Monday, July 14, 2008

Driving With Dogs

It is acceptable for larger dogs to ride in a seat, like a human passenger. If your dog has never done this before, consider making one or two short practice excursions to be sure the canine keeps its place and does not try to roam around the car. Smaller dogs may prefer to be transported in their sleeping crates, as this provides a secure refuge from a strange situation. Be aware that all dogs are fascinated by the smells they encounter when they stick their noses out the window of a moving car. It is acceptable to indulge this desire, but never leave the window open so far that the dog can jump or fall out. During long car trips, allow the dog to make regular rest and exercise stops (always leash it before opening the car door) Bring along food, water, and treats in a separate container. If your dog is prone to getting carsick, your veterinarian may recommend medication(bringing the dog on a few short practice trips may prevent the problem altogether.) Never for any reason leave your dog alone in a car. Changes in the outdoor temperatures are unpredictable and can lead to stress, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, and worse.
Info from Dogster

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